Pinterest Best Practices

Pinterest puts brands at the forefront of the inspirational phase of the buying journey.

The visual nature of Pinterest allows brands to create an immersive user experience by showcasing their products within a lifestyle context.



Use a high-quality vertical image. Pinterest recommends a 2:3 aspect ratio, example: 1000 x 1500 pixels. Other ratios may cause your Pin to truncate.

For video Pins, pick a strong cover image and make sure to use text overlay or captions as many videos play in people’s feed with the sound off.

To create a pin:

1. Click then “+” button and then click “Create Pin.”

2. Upload image or video (for uploading product images, it is easiest to upload by pasting the URL).

3. Write title and description with strong SEO.

4. Add destination link back to the site (best if it links to the primary product featured).

5. Click the shopping tag on the left to add products and then search for products (if they are already existing pins) or use the link to the product page to upload the product image.

6. Publish your Pin.



Consistent, daily activity will yield the best results. Posting two to three pins during peak times will perform better than 30 pins all at once.

Pin content approximately 45 days ahead of the desired calendar date (such as holidays or if you’re teasing a new launch).


The image, title, and description should match the keywords you’re targeting.

Provide detailed, optimized descriptions for every pin — you have 500 characters to work with so make the most of them.

Link multiple Pins to the same place. This will improve SEO and also allow you to discover which Pins perform the strongest so you can tailor future content.

Keep board names short and keyword-based (and on-brand/consistent with the brand voice).


Brands see 170% higher checkout rates for Pins showing products in real-life situations. This means that lifestyle content (products styled at home or people wearing/using product) and high-quality user-generated content (customers tagging your Instagram handle in photos they post of themselves wearing the jewelry) will inspire more purchases


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